Truffle Pig Grant Writing Coaching
Live real-time interactive versions of the Grant Writing Toolkit.
Toolkit Online Small Group Progamme: delivered as a small group online coaching for third-sector staff, volunteers or Board members who need to boost their grant application success and bring in more money. Advice on how to plan, what to say and how to say it to submit more and better applications. Takes place in 90min interactive Zoom sessions over 6-7 weeks.
Toolkit Bootcamp: delivered as a 2.5 day intensive in/near Glasgow as a small group in-person coaching, covering the whole Toolkit and creating a fundraising strategy and work plan for your organisation.
2025 Availability is being worked on and will be updated ASAP for summer 2025 onwards. See below for approximate costs and details and sign up to the newsletter for announcements.
With 15 years experience in the trenches of arts, youth and community sector grant-writing, I know how hard it is to find the time and focus to fundraise well. This programme gives you practical, realistic knowledge, advice, and as much information as I can throw at you.
RATES - for Online Small Group Programme and Bootcamp
£780 per person full rate (organisation)
£490 per person concession rate (low-wage/small organisation)
- Personalised Coaching Prescription to increase success rate
- 1-2-1 Goal-setting Session to identify your priorities
- 6x 90min workshops with exercises to complete and reflect on in the session
- 1-2-1 Check-ins for momentum, accountability and Q&A
- 6 months subscription to Truffle Pig online platform for accessing resources
- Feedback on funding application drafts to improve your bids
- A successful application library for reference
Over 100 organisations have trained with me this way and have lovely things to say about it.
"This is one of the most useful things I have ever done, I'm going to use it in my whole life not just fundraising."
Jade, Articulate Toolkit programme.
"I've since shared my learnings with my small team and it has really transformed the way we are thinking about projects, funding and generally everything!"
Sally, YTAS Winter Toolkit programme
Payment plans available with Klarna